Restaurant "Voskhod"
Restaurant "Sunrise" in the park "Zaryadye" is a city attraction. The menu cleverly mixes the dishes of the peoples of the former USSR, including the Baltic states, Ukraine and Central Asia: Poltava borsch, salad with Narva lampreys, Kiev cutlet, dumplings and six kinds of pilaf. The theme of space exploration and the slightly naive futurism of the 60s are embodied in the interior. Important details - a spacious veranda with 120 seats and a completely open-air view of the Kremlin and Vasilyevsky Descent.
Зеленый салат с брокколи, креветками и каракатицей
Азербайджанская домашняя паста с говяжьим фаршем и мацони
Пельмени с крабом
Зеленый бухарский плов с телячьей печенкой
Салат из домашней телятины с базиликом и горчичным соусом
Каре северного оленя
Суп с фрикадельками из ягненка, лапшой и фасолью
Пожарская котлета из козленка в каштановом пюре
Sunday brunches
Brunch is the perfect weekend meal when a late lazy breakfast slowly transforms into a hearty, relaxed dinner. A great occasion to meet a big family at the same table, a good option for celebrating a birthday with friends and relatives, an ideal option for gatherings with foreign friends is Space Brunch in the Voskhod restaurant in Zaryadye, the most fashionable park in Moscow. First, from 11:00 to 14:00, and then from 14:30 to 17:00 on Sundays, Voskhod enters the gastronomic orbit of the collective unconscious: you can join for 4000 r. (cost for children - 1500 rubles).
Live performances Tuesday to Sunday
© 2019 Restaurant "Voskhod"